Rejuvenate Your Skin with Microneedling

Introduction to Microneedling

Microneedling, is a minimally invasive procedure designed to enhance skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  At the same time it decreases the size of large pores and treats scar tissue. The procedure utilizes extremely fine, short needles to stimulate your skin's natural healing processes. Although the procedure uses needles, it isn’t painful and well-tolerated by most patients with local numbing cream. The visible results of improved skin texture and youthfulness are worth it.  

The Benefits of Microneedling 

Microneedling treats a range of skin issues, including wrinkles, scarring, acne, skin pigmentation, stretch marks, rosacea, and loose skin. It's a go-to treatment for skin rejuvenation, improving your skin's elasticity, reducing pore size, fine lines, and wrinkles, as well as diminishing scarring. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, microneedling can significantly reduce the appearance of large pores, fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks.

Understanding the Microneedling Procedure and What to Expect 

The procedure works by creating tiny punctures in your skin, prompting your body to produce collagen to help your skin heal. This influx of collagen helps give your skin a smoother, younger, and, more radiant appearance.

A typical microneedling treatment involves applying a light numbing cream followed by the use of a special microneedling device. This device uses fine needles in an automated “stamping” motion to lightly prick the skin. The procedure lasts about 20–30 minutes in total. After the procedure is complete we apply skin-smoothing products that penetrate deeply into the skin to help maximize the results of the procedure. 


Post-treatment, your skin may appear sunburned and feel tight, dry, swollen, or sensitive to for the first three days. By the third day, your skin should start to return to feeling normal, though minor peeling or flaking may still occur.

How Many Microneedling Sessions Do You Need? 

The number of treatments needed depends on your specific skin issues. Acne scars may require up to six treatments, with treatments spaced four weeks apart. To improve overall skin tone and texture, 3-4 treatments separated by 3–4 weeks are usually sufficient. After you have completed your initial treatments, you should consider getting maintenance treatments every 2-3 months to help maintain and improve your skin’s apperance.

Preparing for Your Microneedling Treatment 

Prior to your microneedling treatment, it's important to follow these pre-treatment guidelines to ensure optimal results and a smoother recovery. These include:

  1. Avoiding Accutane: For six months prior to starting your microneedling sessions, it's recommended to refrain from using Accutane. This medication can increase your skin's sensitivity and potentially have adverse side effects after your treatment.

  2. Avoiding Certain Topical Skincare Products: Certain topical products can increase your skin's sensitivity. We advise avoiding the use of retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics, or acids for 5-7 days before your treatment.

  3. Steering Clear of Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil should be avoided prior to your microneedling treatment. These can interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is crucial for your skin’s rejuvenation.

  4. Being Mindful of Other Skin Procedures: Certain skin procedures, such as IPL/laser treatments, waxing, hair removal creams, or electrolysis can cause inflammation, or sensitivity, for your skin. We recommend not having these procedures done 5-7 days prior to your microneedling treatment due to the potential impact they can have on the healing process. If you have facial hair, it may be tempting to shave before your treatment but to avoid issues with the treatment and reduce skin irritation we recommend not shaving for at least 1-2 days before your appointment 

What to Expect After Microneedling 

Post-treatment your treatment specialist will walk you through the after-care instructions to help maximize results and reduce any downtime. The healing process post-microneedling can involve a sunburn-like effect, potential redness and possibly slight bruising, and peeling for the first 3-5 days. Following your skincare specialist's advice will ensure a smooth recovery and optimal microneedling results. 

If you have any questions or want to book your microneedling treatment you can reach us at (904)-372-9137 or book your appointment online now!