Spider Vein Removal/ Red Spot Removal

Spider veins are prominent in over a third of the population. These tiny red and blue thread veins on the face and body can cause burning, stinging, itching and bruising but are primarily a cosmetic problem. While this condition doesn’t imply a circulation issue, they can be painful and a sore sight. We offer fast and effective laser treatments designed to rejuvenate your skin's natural allure.

What are the Benefits of Vascular Removal?

Laser therapy is a non-toxic and non-invasive therapy that uses light energy to penetrate to a specific depth of skin and is absorbed by the red color cell which addresses unwanted blood cells, breaks them down, and fades them. The rest of the dead cells are excreted out of the body through the liver.

What you should know about laser/light therapy for spider veins?

During laser/light therapy, a laser is applied to the spider veins. The laser transmits photons that are absorbed by the blood cells in the veins, which generates heat that destroys the blood vessel. The damaged vein shrinks and eventually dissolves over time.

Why choose laser/light therapy for spider veins?

Laser/light therapy is considered the treatment of choice for facial spider veins. It can be used on other parts of the body as well.

Does vascular laser  therapy hurt?

Clients report this treatment as relatively pain free according to individual pain thresholds. It has been described as feeling like an elastic band snapping against the skin.

What to expect after the procedure?

Treated area may be pink or red for four to eight hours after treatment.

A slight stinging sensation, similar to a mild sunburn in the treated area. This sensation usually subsides within 4-6 hours.

Cool packs or moist cloths may be applied to reduce the sensation.

Mild swelling in the treatment area that usually dissipates within several days.

In addition, patients should:

Avoid applying makeup or lotion to the treated area for either 24 hours or until all signs of redness and stinging have dissipated.

Apply a good moisturizing lotion to the treated area twice daily for the duration of the treatments and for at least three months after final treatment.

Avoid bathing with very hot water, strenuous exercise, and massage for 2–3 days post laser skin care treatment. 

Can I wash my face after laser treatment?

Wait at least 12 hours (next morning) to wash your face. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser such as Cetaphil.

Here is a list of our other laser therapy treatments:

  • Age and sun spot and brown spot removal

  • Mole removal

  • Facia Rejuvenation

  • Laser Hair Removal