
Does Kybella really work?

KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your profile.

Kybella is a great treatment to get rid of neck fat. Kybella treatment is like a chin liposuction or neck lift without surgery.

Fat accumulation beneath the jawline and chin is known as submental fat, or a double chin. Submental Fat is a very common complaint among both men and women. Kybella is made up of a naturally occurring substance within the body, called deoxycholic acid; this is found within the liver and works to dissolve fat cells within the body. When injected into the targeted area, fat cells are broken down and absorbed, which means Kybella is a holistic and safe way to eradicate that problem area under your skin. This procedure is more than a cosmetic fix, it’s permanent.

While deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance within the body, Kybella is a synthetic derived from non-human and non-animal sources.

A series of injections will be required, and the exact timing of these is determined at your consultation, because as we know, every person is different. We want to ensure your treatment schedule will provide the best possible results. On the whole, for patients with moderate to severe fat accumulation in this area, Kybella has been shown to be highly effective.

How Much Does Kybella Cost?

Similar to Med Spa fillers, the price depends on how many injections are required for your needs, where you are located, and the experience of the practitioner providing the treatment. It also depends on the size of the area being treated and the volume of deoxycholic acid used. In general, most patients require 2 vials per treatment and 2-3 treatment sessions to obtain optimum facial results. At Pure Harmony Med Spa price would be somewhere between $2400 to $3600

How many injections are required for effective treatment?

Again, this totally depends on the person as each individual has unique needs and medical history. Generally speaking, around 2-5 sessions are required for optimal results. Each of these sessions needs to be spaced out properly for the body to best respond. The timeline between sessions is about 1-2 months apart. The average number of treatments per patient is in the 2-3 mark. During each session, around 15-20 micro-injections are administered through the skin to the selected area. 

Over time after the treatment plan is completed, the body works to metabolize the damaged fat cells from the injections undertaken, which leads to a permanent change in appearance, and a slimmer, more youthful look overall.

Do you see results after one Kybella treatment?

It takes about four to six weeks after a treatment session to see the Kybella before-and-after results you desire. Often, more than one and up to four treatments are required. It depends on the individual. Typically results after Kybella treatment can appear within weeks or months. Results will continue to show improvement as additional treatments are administered. The best part about Kybella is the permanent nature of the change. While other fillers may require the patient to continue treatments to avoid their problem area, Kybella will flush out the existing fat cells to remove excess folds forever.

What is the downtime?

Most patients have slight discomfort, similar to other injectables, for a short period of time after the Kybella injection. This resolves relatively quickly. Patients experience different degrees of swelling, but this is a normal part of the healing process. Other side effects may include bruising, redness, or numbness. The downtime is on average shorter than other cosmetic surgery options treating the same area. For most patients, the swelling will peak for roughly 20 to 28 hours after the procedure, and likely begin to subside after 48 hours clearing out by the third day. Sometimes, however, swelling may last longer, but this depends on the dosage and the patient’s aesthetic goal.

What should I avoid after Kybella? 

Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for 3-5 days after treatment. Avoid Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week after treatment. These items may increase bleeding and bruising. 

Call Pure Harmony Med Spa at 904-372-9137 or book your FREE consultation online now!