Lip Flip

About Getting a Lip Flip

A Lip Flip can give you the fuller, more youthful lips you've been dreaming of. Here's everything you need to know about the procedure, from how it works to what to expect afterwards.

What is a lip flip and what are the benefits of getting one done?

A lip flip is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that enhances the contours of the lips, giving them a fuller and more desirable shape. This can be achieved through the application of Botox around the lips. While the effects are temporary, it has gained popularity among beauty aficionados especially those seeking a luxurious look as it is less drastic than full on lip fillers with results almost instantaneously visible. Additionally, it not only gives the entire face a beautiful refreshed look but also promotes symmetry which is always desirable for maximum glamour effect.

Who is an ideal candidate for a lip flip?

Anybody looking for an easy way to get a luxurious, full-looking pout should consider a lip flip. This is a great cosmetic procedure for those who are unsatisfied with the current shape of their lips or want to add volume. It can also be helpful in eliminating wrinkles around the mouth. Since a lip flip uses small injections of Botox to relax the muscles surrounding the lips, it's ideal for candidates with no visible sagging issues that require fillers or implants. A lip flip is a great way to achieve fuller, poutier lips without the use of fillers. The procedure is simple and virtually painless, and can be done in just a few minutes.

Call us today at 904.372.9137 or book your appointment online now!